From the Book Jacket to My Parlour, Raymond E Feist

A Raymond E Feist Collection

A Raymond E Feist Collection

I have been fortunate thus far in my life to have met quite a few authors, some starting out, some ending their careers, some good, some not so good, some have been really well known, some have had no ego to speak of and some have had trouble fitting those super-size-me heads through the door. It has only happened once in my entire life though that I have had the fortune to meet an author who changed the genre of books I read and thereby changed my whole life!

I have always believed in faeries at the bottom of the garden, the monster under the bed and that the garden gnomes come to life when you turn your back on them. A world of fantastical beings, filled with magic and wonder is not a stretch of my imagination to perceive. So, it is no small wonder that the first book of fantasy that I ever read, Magician, by Raymond E Feist, changed my life and set my reading on a path all of its own. I have never given up the thrillers, dramas and historical spectaculars but my one true reading love is fantasy and Ray, as he introduced himself to me when he arrived at Indulgence Cafe is the man who brought that spark into my life and introduced me to worlds not bound by the gravity and sense of the one we live in.

Magic, magicians, dragons, royal families, rags to riches, love, betrayal, elves, good and evil, light and dark, Raymond E Feist’s work brings it all alive. He paints pictures with words and weaves worlds that you can picture in your head as you read and become lost in the forests and the mud splattered roads of Midkemia and kelewan. Careful, or you will find you leave your mind behind and end up a little confused about where you are when you close the book and suddenly return, abruptly to the harsh realities of planet Earth.

This man, this Raymond E Feist, has just returned home to San Diego after a whirlwind book tour of SA with his publishers and I was lucky enough, okay, I did have to grovel quite a bit, to get him to come and speak at Indulgence  Cafe on Heritage Day, 24 September 2014, but that’s okay as well because, I know people 🙂  Of all the authors we have hosted at Indulgence Cafe, this is the first one to have had people begging me for seats and places at the event. One family even brought me a box of chocolates to say thank you for making place for them, I was quite humbled and no, I have no intention of sharing. What a remarkable event, with an incredible author.

SA’s own fantasy author, Dave De Burgh spent an hour chatting to Ray about his work, his characters and how he got started. Never before, has one hour passed by in such a flash and we would love to have had them speak for longer but duty and lunch called. Ray is awesome, funny, witty and he was incredibly patient with the fans who brought along entire collections of his work for him to sign. The poor man must have signed 300 books for the 103 people who were at Indulgence Cafe on Wednesday morning, I have to say that I was incredibly impressed with him.

Raymond E Feist chatting to Dave De Burgh

Raymond E Feist chatting to Dave De Burgh

20140924_102034                                                        The 103 Strong Crowd

20140924_110714                                                                The Man Himself


20140924_112843                                                      The Fan Collections for Signing

20140924_113040                                         The Happy Staff from Skoobs, Theater of Books

20140924_113259                                             The Never Ending Queue for Book Signings

20140924_120155                                                                                       The Patient Author

A Post Chat Laugh with Dave De Burgh

A Post Chat Laugh with Dave De Burgh

For me, little old me, it was a dream come true and something to cross off my bucket list. I met Raymond E Feist in the flesh, I heard him speak and I have the pictures to prove it.

The link to YouTube

So when is the next one coming out Ray?

The Month That Was…………..

Oneiric Wines for the Wine and Oyster Tasting on the 15th Nov from 5pm

Oneiric Wines for the Wine and Oyster Tasting on the 15th Nov from 5pm

Greetings All
I know I am late getting this news off to you but October was a little on the crazy side and November is fast catching up. Although we don’t have as many events lined up for you this month we still have a few really good evenings planned. Oh my word, October was HUGE. A jam packed month full of really amazing people and events. I should just about have moved my bed in the Indulgence Cafe I spent so much time here
The October events were really wonderful, everything from the Fantasy and Horror Festival to the Pieter Dirk Uys breakfast and all the stuff in between was really entertaining and a whole bunch of fun
I hope that you at least managed to get to one of the events here

15 Minutes of Fame …….

Northcliff Melivlle Times 29 Oct 2013

Northcliff Melivlle Times 29 Oct 2013

The craft Beer Tasting with Jonathan from Three Skulls was interesting, there were some fun characters here which made for a really enjoyable evening with a dash of colour.

Craft beers Galore

Craft beers Galore

Quiz dinner is always a lot of fun and you get to realize quite how much you don’t know about the stuff around you. One of the most fun and interactive evenings of the lot was the First Annual Horror and Fantasy evening. Great, great fun. I have dedicated an entire blog post to it, see the link below.

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

Pieter Dirk Uys is and always will be the consummate performer and without a doubt he has his audience eating out the palm of his hand. He was here for breakfast and to chat about his book, Panorama which came out in July. My copy is still sitting on my desk but I intend getting to it soon now that I have Gareth Crocker’s Finding Jack, out of the way. If you need to read a delightful book, are an animal lover and need a bit of a cry, that is the book to read!

Pieter Dirk Uys Panorama Breakfast 27 Oct 2013

Pieter Dirk Uys
Panorama Breakfast
27 Oct 2013




Our Lee Marcus event was also superb. What an incredible woman she is. At 92 she was having a smoke and a whiskey at the table whilst signing books. I loved this lady and have asked her to adopt me as a grandchild. She agreed very reluctantly and only after I had lit her cigarette for her! My bad!

Lee Marcus Basha, Baby  October 2013

Lee Marcus
Basha, Baby
October 2013

We rounded off the Halloween Month with a Halloween Dinner evening that was very nicely supported and where the burgers all sported some rather unusual ingredients……………Happy Halloween it was!

Halloween Dinner at Indulgence Cafe

Halloween Dinner at Indulgence Cafe



The Twisted Market was a great success this time around, the rain held off until the evening which was awesome and we had an event onsite that you wouldn’t normally see in a public forum. Two girls with hooks in their backs pulling against each other. Sorry no pics are available and to see such a thing you really need to pop into the next market which is happening in December.

Other pics from the market tho:

The Twisted Market

The Twisted Market





A few quick reminders about things that happen here at Indulgence Cafe all the time like:
Free WiFi with Telkom Mobile, 60 minutes free, all it costs you is an sms to get going.
We are open Monday to Friday evenings with our burger menu. Monday’s we offer you a free
beer with your burger and Thursdays are Two for One burger nights! Who needs to cook when we are here to feed you
Our rotisserie chickens are available daily from 4pm at R50 a chicken. These delicious chickens are available in the evenings as well with chips and salad.
We are fully licenced and carry a large range of craft beers, our wine list is interesting and unusual
Pensioner’s lunch is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, R30 gives you a main meal and dessert. Incredibly good value for money
We are on twitter
@indulgence_cafe, @AmigaFriedman
Every Friday is Tequila Friday, some even have a little live music attached to them. Join us and start the weekend off properly!

Link to the review of the Fantasy and horror evening evening on WordPress:
YouTube link to a snippet of the First Annual Horror and Fantasy

November Calendar:
13th Quiz dinner
15th Oysters and Wine tasting with Oneiric Wines
20th Would like an AuthorTalk here but waiting for someone to confirm!

December Calendar:
11th Quiz dinner, last one for the year
12th Author’s Cocktail Evening
13th Twisted Christmas Evening Market
23rd Pensioner’s Christmas Lunch
25th and 26th Closed
30th and 31st Closed
1st Closed

Coming up
13th November Quiz Dinner
Quiz night on the 13th which is always a really fun evening. The cost is R120 per head and includes a light dinner. The winning table will have half the cost of their meal as their prize. Book today for a truly superb evening 011 782 5063

15th November
We have wine tasting with Oneiric Wines from Elgin in the Cape. We are offering you oysters with your wine tasting. R50 gets you 6 oysters and you get to taste all the wines. Pop in from 5pm on Friday evening and come sample the good stuff. I have it on very good authority that the Chardonnay is delicious! You are welcome to order and purchase some of the fab wines you taste and if you are hungry order some food off the menu. We will be here till about 9pm

Oneiric Wines

Oneiric Wines

20th November
I am hoping to line up an author for the evening but I haven’t as yet got anyone booked, watch this space

I have included the December Calendar but I have yet to give you any details about it. Trust me when I say there are one or two very exciting things happening here during the month of December. Jozi may be a little quiet and a little empty but we have things lined up to keep you entertained!

Have an awesome November and we cannot wait to see you soon
Love ‘n Lollipops

Festival of Fantasy and Horror

Indulgence Cafe's Halloween Tree

Indulgence Cafe’s Halloween Tree

There is something very special about spending an evening chatting to young, vibrant and talented people about genres of books and movies that are very close to your own heart.
I had the total luxury of having such an evening on Wednesday night at Indulgence Cafe with three of Gauteng’s writers, authors and bloggers.
With thunder and lightening as the perfect eerie backdrop to an evening spent discussing the joys of horror and fantasy from writing writing it to books and movies, Joan De La Haye, Monique-Cherie Synman and Dave De Burgh held center stage and captivated the sadly small but very avid audience with their engaging personalities and views on writing today. No writer, no movie and no book was sacred as we worked our way through the different genres and their meanings.
Surrounded by The Little Shop of Halloween Horrors that haunts Indulgence Cafe’s walls and rafters at the moment the subjects of ghouls and zombies was definitely not out of place.

From left Joan, Dave and Monique

From left Joan, Dave and Monique

Dave who runs the most amazing fantasy and sci-fi section of Exclusive Books at the Colonade in Pretoria is incredibly knowledgeable on the topic and I find myself left wanting to spend a whole bunch more time engaging him on the books we both seem to enjoy so much. He is a fount of amazing info which he appeared to just pull out from under his pumpkin hat with no problem at all. Dave is already a published author and blogger and has signed a deal for a 3 part fantasy series which I really looking forward to reading. It was quite funny that a man so eloquent struggled just a bit to give me a synopsis of his up coming book, maybe he just wanted to keep it under wraps for now! We look forward to hosting him and his lovely other half at again when his book hits the shelves (maybe we will manage a sneak preview before anywhere else gets a look in)

Dave and Leanna

Dave and Leanna

Monique who though Afrikaans speaking, writes and blogs in English, is also a very fascinating young lady in her very elegant but awesome hat, with her first book out now. I got myself a copy and have added it to the extensive shelf of books in my house that screams out to be read really soon. Monique is not one to hang back in a crowd I am happy to see and has some definite views on books particularly erotica, however I do wonder if she doth protest a little too much. I am happy to report that she is not above watching the odd B grade movie and can sadly report that we have both seen and enjoyed The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes……… it at your own peril, I will admit to being 25 years younger when I watched it

Monique-Cherie Snyman

Monique-Cherie Snyman

Joan De La Haye, dynamite in a small package and high heels is no stranger to Indulgence Cafe. Apart from coming here previously to chat about her horror novel, Shadows, she has also celebrated her birthday at Indulgence Cafe and spent many an AuthorTalk here in support of other South African and one or two international authors. Joan is charming and funny and her Creulla De Ville wig hides a brain of remarkable scary talent. It is no surprise that one of Joan’s favourite authors is Stephen King although we do have Clive Barker in common as well, an author who manages to have equal footing in both the fantasy and horror genres.

The Killer High Heels

The Killer High Heels

Thank you to Marcia of Skoobs, Theater of Books for setting up a very enticing table of books, I was hard pressed to not haul out the credit card but did succumb to to a vintage collection of tales by HP Lovecraft which I believe was evening appropriate and look forward to one day reading.

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

From left Monique, Joan, Mandi and Dave

To say it was a delightful evening is an understatement, it was an absolute blast. There was lots of fact exchanged, lots of fiction discussed, copious amounts of happy laughter and some serious wine quaffing took place. This is an evening I would repeat in a heart beat and quite frankly I think we can now refer to this as the First Annual Horror and Fantasy Festival at Indulgence Cafe.

For the YouTube snippet of the fun