Bloody, Bloody Book Week

I am always saddened when the Bloody Book Week, brainchild of Jenny Crwys-Williams, ends every year, as it is a week filled non-stop with the magic of books and lots of truly fascinating people.
The Bloody Book Week over the last three years has given this humble coffee shop owner the opportunity, not always afforded to us ordinary mortals, of meeting and more importantly interacting with a host of some of South Africa and the World’s most amazing authors

This year has been no exception and whilst I didn’t get to host Peter James and Deon Meyer this time around I had the immense luxury of spending an incredibly entertaining Thursday evening with Jacques Steenkamp, Amanda Coetzee, and newcomers Penny Lorrimer and CM Eliot, as well an outstanding Saturday afternoon with 702’s Ray White, Dr David Klatzow and Paul O’Sullivan.

It was fascinating hearing about the different writing styles of the lady thriller writers, to plot or not to plot is the question, character development, getting to know the characters and the joy of discovering the various protagonists, from CM Eliot’s Sibanda in the African bush to Amanda Coetzee’s Badger, a hunky sinewy Traveler (Gypsy). It does take a little leap of imagination to see these ladies sitting at their laptops plotting murders most foul, particularly in the case of Amanda Coetzee who is the bouncy, happy, irrepressible creature who talks at twenty to the dozen and writes a fabulous thriller.
Jacques Steenkamp the absolutely charming crime journalist who lead the conversation spent a few minutes chatting to me about his non-fiction book about the Griquastad murders, also the Steenkamp family but luckily no relation. I wouldn’t be lying if I said it was a truly enjoyable evening.

Four Deadly Authors, Their Books…

Four Deadly Authors, Their Books...

cm elliot

jacques steenkamp

penny lorrimer

Some of the evening’s picture highlights with Authors, Mtutuzeli Nyoka and Mariyln Cohen De Villiers in the audience








A magnificent Saturday afternoon event spent with three very interesting characters, Dr David Klatzow, Paul O’Sullivan and Radio 702’s Ray White.
What can I say about Ray White apart from the fact that he is a delightful human being, charming, lovely eyes, softly spoken but with some steal under there I think, and a great sense of humour. There are rumours that he too, has a book coming out at some point. I cannot wait for that to happen! Watch this space about Ray White!!!
Paul O’Sullivan and David Klatzow, couldn’t be more different. Paul’s CV must make for fascinating reading, I honestly cannot remember how many different types of policing or police/security services he has been in both locally and abroad. His accent is an unusual mix of Irish, Afrikaans with a little R rolling. I perceived him as a little uncomfortable to be around, he doesn’t radiate warmth but maybe that has something to do with his choice of career. I did fully expect him to arrive with hunky, chunky Kevin Costner, bodyguards in tow, alas I was disappointed. I am pretty sure he is not at the top of Jackie Selebi’s Christmas card list and I never said a word about Glen Agliotti, having taken center stage at Indulgence Cafe last year, with his charm at volcanic level charm. What is it that makes the bad guys charming and the good guys not quite so?
I realize it isn’t polite to have favourites but David Klatzow could quite possibly get a Valentine’s card from me next year. I think that gruff exterior and furry face hides a supremely sharp mind accompanied by a sharp wit and a very dry sense of humour. He does have a lovely smile when you catch sight of it, but the thing that strikes you the most is the passion with which he speaks. He positively radiates when talking about his chosen career and the work he does. For me it was an absolute privilege having spent the time listening to him talk to Ray White at Indulgence Cafe and Alex Eliseev at Bookdealers, The Colony.

The Books…

paul o sullivan

david klatzow

A couple of the pics from Saturday afternoon’s event










Thank you so much Jenny and Co, for including me and Indulgence Cafe in the 2014 Bloody Book Week events, it was an honour and a privilege
Until next year..

A Beautiful Family…Not


A golden family, a happy, a beautiful family. The gorgeous wife who never has a hair out of place, with that handsome, blue-eyed, Charlie Hunam, husband, the self-made millionaire. He always looks handsome and debonaire, he holds the door, lays his jacket over the puddle so she can cross without getting those beautiful feet wet. Those amazing straight-A children, who excel at everything they do. That private education is certainly paying off. They look happy, they look fabulous, they’re rich, how could life be anything but perfect? How could you be anything besides envious?
How little we know about what goes on behind closed doors.
How little we know about the people next door.
How little we know…

This book, A Beautiful Family by Marilyn Cohen De Villiers was thrust under my nose by a friend of mine, Marcia, who sent me articles and links and really pushed and shoved me towards reading it, but still I hesitated. I really didn’t feel like a family drama and especially a family drama about a Jewish family. Particularly at this time in a world where Jews are under the microscope and antisemitism is right back in fashion. Who, right now, wants to put the Jews, my tribe, under the spotlight for…..shhhhhhh, don’t say it out loud….ABUSE!
Abuse doesn’t happen in good Jewish families, well not that one would know because what happens in a Jewish home stays in a Jewish home and anyway, how could that pillar of the community truly do the things that he is accused of, it is not possible. Or is it?
This incredible book opens the doors to your mind. It is a book that everyone should read, this could be any family, this family just happens to be Jewish.
Marilyn’s book is a comfortable read, it makes you feel at home. For those who grew up in Johannesburg’s north eastern suburbs there are many bells rung, as familiar corners are turned and local spots are mentioned. Damn, I grew up there, I can picture in my mind exactly where that little car is or the tree lined drive in Westpark Cemetery.
Marilyn’s book is also an uncomfortable read, its topic, disturbing. A Beautiful Family, was not quite the “drama” I expected it to be, the book is more of a suspense drama with a twist, and well worth a read. I loved it and I cannot wait to host Marilyn Cohen De Villiers at Indulgence Cafe so that we can explore the family in more depth! She is apparently working on her second book, but I suggest you don’t miss her first!

Marilyn lives in Johannesburg with her husband, Poen. You can find her on Facebook
The book, A Beautiful Family, is available in limited print editions from Skoobs as well as an e-book, from Amazon. Priced at around R220.
Do yourself a favour and discover what having a beautiful family can mean