Visual Art, a Whole New World

Indulgence Cafe had the pleasure of hosting multi talented visual artist Roy Blumenthal, this evening, Monday 3rd February.  It is not often that one comes across a speaker who manages to engage and hold the attention of his audience for more than thirty minutes. Roy had them eating out of the palm of his hand for about 90 minutes. He started his talk by handing out toys for people to tinker with while he spoke which hooked me straight away.  I always love having something to do with my hands and it was great fun to watch what people assembled. 
As a quick aside I am not referring to adult toys of the battery kind but puzzles and magnetic  gadgets.

Roy’s talk centered around his ability to reinvent himself from time to time and as the need emerges. Having gone from being a Jewish boy in an Anglican school to being a young man who created a religion for himself that would keep him out of the army in the apartheid years to working in an advertising agency to doing the work he does today.  He is constantly changing and evolving and says it’s his ability to notice and observe things that has always held him in good stead. 
Roy has taken modern technology and his innate artistic talent and married it.  A perfect fusion of a keen eye and an interesting take on life and people, that
keeps him employed in board rooms across South Africa and Europe.
Roy is one of those people who is doing the work that is his passion and loving every minute of it.
Follow Roy on Twitter @RoyBlumenthal

Join us every Monday evening at Indulgence Cafe for fascinating talks with some of Joburg’s fascinating inhabitants.
Talks are free,  just pay for what you eat or drink.  Part of every talks proceeds are donated to Animals in Distress


